A Celebration of Belonging
Bec Adamczewski has masterfully brought to life a heartwarming welcome artwork for Glebe Hill Village, which beautifully embodies the spirit of belonging within the vibrant Glebe Hill community. This splendid piece of art showcases the native flora of our locality, including wattle, grevillea, and eucalyptus, set against a backdrop of people immersed in pure joy and celebration. We invite you to revel in this delightful creation, and we encourage you to capture the moment with a selfie, sharing it on your social media platforms with the tag @glebehillvillage. We believe you'll cherish it as much as we do.
Meet Bec Adamczewski With more than 15 years of experience as an illustrator, Bec holds a deep-seated passion for crafting public artworks that not only breathe life into our walls but also foster a profound connection with our community. Mural art is a captivating medium that transcends boundaries and makes art accessible to all. Her portfolio often showcases the enchanting flora and fauna of Tasmania, brought to life with a vivid and captivating palette of colours.